EarWizard App Reviews

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Would like to see chord numbers

I think this game is a great idea. Musical "Simon" turns into legitimate ear training really fast. However, Id like to see chord numbers instead of the chord letters. The numbers would work in any key and users could see how chord function stays consistent across different keys. Perhaps that could come in an update? Great start though!

Fun and educational

Great app! It helps me in learning to write music and is addictively fun at the same time.

Best Music Chord App Ever

Ive been playing with this app for a while now. I have several things to say: This application has a LOT of potential for developing your Chord Ear. The person who created this knows how to train someones ear, and probably has a very advanced ear himself to begin with. I know its the first version ever to be launched, but for this app to deliver its full potential, I feel it must have more scales (probably training on all the modes), there should be levels where you combine Triads with 7ths as to help in real life situations. The app is really fun, and that it why it is so effective, I cant imagine having all the options I listed above available. It would make this great app, into an amazing app. And probably the best ever to be created

EarWizard is a great app

I am no musical genius. I spent many dollars and many years trying to train these ears of mine with few positive results. Along comes EarWizard… I have been finding great benefit to using EarWizard. The visual feedback is good for those of us without great ears and the progression from much visual feedback to none during each round is great for building confidence. The visuals of Jordan playing the chords with his various facial expressions are funny and the way the app mixes things up to keep you honest is also a good feature so that one cannot succeed on memory of visual cues alone. My lone criticism is that if you have both an iPhone and an iPad, your progression through the app is not shared between devices as of my last examination. Granted, it keeps the challenge high, so you have to duplicate your efforts between devices, but it would be nice to have the option to play on both devices and maintain your progress.

Fantastic introduction to music

This is a fantastic introduction to train ones ear to truly listen.

Will be great when bugs are fixed

Great practice tool, but the app slows down to the point of being annoying. Especially so during the timed rounds when you run out of time before the app processes your answers

Professional opinion

Decent app and a welcome addition for chord progression training (also see chear and better ears apps). I like that you can switch to Roman numerals instead of chord names. I havent unlocked the other two chained off tiers of training (why are these not available from the start?) but from what I have seen, the bass is still too powerful even when turned down all the way. It overwhelms the rest of the triads and makes hearing the root movement unrealistic in a real world setting. The biggest flaw is that this is the game of simon and I still havent figured out how to have it play in different keys for each challenge. The app would be much better if it played the chords randomly in varying keys rather than simply adding one more chord in the same progression as a memorization challenge rather than a purely aural one. Hope you update it, it is well designed and youre onto something good.


Dull, slow, simon, not ear training

Change voice its angry

This app moves very slow so it would be good for a kid but the the wizards voice and expression is not friendly or encouraging a scolding voice says stay focused in a scolding manner. Good idea tweak it a bit.


Bad because its expensive. You pay then pay and pay again

Id Play it...just to see for yourself

I hope i dont have nightmares. The music so beautiful. But the videos and the wizard....


Not ear training at all. Just a glorified game of simon. Absolutely useless.


Rudess breaks new ground in music ed! Biggest thrill out of a few bucks that Ive had in awhile. May the downraters not influence any decisions on future development. This is a project worth exploring to the limits of the universe. (Throw in an entire Berklee ear-training degree and Ill gladly pay an extra buck or two. ;-) ) Thanks Jordan, et al!

Just awful

A simple app thats using Jordan Rudess name to charge people for something that many free apps do. The only thing this app does is give you super easy harmonic dictation, or at least thats the impression I got after playing the 3 levels available to play before being asked by Jordan Rudess to pay up. If you are looking for good apps to exercise your ear, and much more, try Earmaster, or musicTheory.org. This is a total rip-off!!!

Why wouldnt I get the Simon says game

This is dumb, its just the Simon says game glorified with chord tones instead of various beeps and colors. I dont see how this could help you in any way musically

Jordan Rudess!!!!?

Really!? How effin sweet! I had no idea! Ill give it a shot, what the hell. Under a glass moon I would perform a liquid tension experiment that could create a metropolis of the six degrees of inner turbulence. :) And to the bloke who is talking about Simon... Dude, if you knew... If Jordan Rudess says its good, then youd better believe.

So close

As others have mentioned, this is currently just a game of Simon. There should be an option to randomize the key each round (i.e. Play root, then a random progression each time), or at the very least same key but random progression...instead of just adding a chord to the same progression each time. Also, all these instruments and no guitar???

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